1. How it Works
The Ferry Discount Program lets eligible individuals buy reduced fare One-way Tickets for the NYC Ferry.
- Applications may take up to 30 days to process.
- High school students can use reduced fare One-way tickets on weekdays only.
- They can apply for the Student Discount Program using a Student Discount Code available for eligible students in the Department of Education’s New York City Student Account (NYCSA) portal.
- Reduced fare One-way digital tickets can be bought within the NYC Ferry mobile app.
- Reduced fare One-way paper tickets can be bought at the Wall St./ Pier 11 landing.
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All New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status Cash & Expenses Older Adults People with disabilities StudentsMore ways to get help with this program
Email [email protected] if your application hasn’t been processed within 30 days.
2. Determine your eligibility
Eligible participants for the NYC Ferry Discount Program include:
- Seniors 65 and older
- People with disabilities
- Fair Fares NYC participants
- NYC high school students
Next section:
3. What you need to include
Check the documents below to see what you need to submit.
For senior citizens aged 65 and older
Submit one of the following documents to verify your identity and age:
- Government Issued ID (e.g. NYS ID, IDNYC, Driver’s License from any state, U.S. Military ID)
- Expired government issued photo ID – up to 3 years prior Passport from any country Tribal ID
- USCIS Registration Card/ Permanent Resident Card/Green Card Naturalization Certificate
- Adoption Papers
- Birth Certificate
- Medicare Card
For people with disabilities
Submit one of the following:
- MTA Reduced-Fare MetroCard
- Access-A-Ride ID
- Medicare Card (and under 65)
- New York State Commission for the Blind Registration Letter
- Disability Award Letter from the Social Security Administration, Railroad Retirement Board, or the U.S Postal Service
- Veterans Administration Letter stating that you are entitled to Veteran’s Disability Benefits
For Fair Fares NYC participants
Submit either:
- A photo of a valid Fair Fares MetroCard and with the Fair Fares MetroCard serial number; or
- a screenshot of your ACCESS HRA account showing current enrollment, serial number, and enrollment/expiration dates
For high school students
Eligible students will need a code from their NYC Student Account (NYCSA) to get discounted tickets. Log into your NYCSA account to get your code.
Next section:
4. How to apply
Apply online
For seniors, people with disabilities, and Fair Fares NYC participants:
Visit the NYC Ferry website. Fill out the Ferry Discount Application form and submit all required documents.
- Print and complete the application form:
- Mail your application and documents to the address listed on the form. Processing time may take up to 30 days.
For high school students:
- Log into or create a NYC Student Account (NYCSA).
- Parents/guardians of NYC nonpublic and charter high school students can create a NYCSA. Reach out to your child’s school for NYCSA access information, including how to get a NYC Student ID# and NYC Schools Account Creation Code (ACC).
- In the NYCSA portal, click the “transportation” tab at the top of the webpage.
- If the student is eligible, there should be a pop up with the NYC Ferry logo with a button to “request discount code.”
- Discount codes can only be applied once within one NYC Ferry account.
- Codes cannot be applied to both the App for mobile discount tickets and on the website for paper discount tickets.
Apply by mail
- Print and complete the application form:
- Mail your application and documents to the address listed on the form. Processing time may take up to 30 days.
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By providing your email address or phone number, you agree to be contacted by the City of New York regarding your ACCESS NYC public benefit screening results. Your activity on ACCESS NYC is anonymous, but providing your phone number may identify you and reveal that you used the website. To find out more about how the City might use the data you share with ACCESS NYC, visit the Terms of Use for NYC.gov, and Privacy Policy for NYC.gov.