Money to buy food
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP benefits can help you feed your family with fresh and healthy groceries.
Remember that we can’t guarantee eligibility, but can only recommend programs for you to consider.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP benefits can help you feed your family with fresh and healthy groceries.
NYC Housing Connect
An online portal where you can apply to rent or buy an affordable unit or home.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
HEAP helps eligible households meet the cost of heating their homes.
Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)
Up to six weeks of paid experience for young people ages 14-24.
Fair Fares NYC (FFNYC)
Save 50% on public transportation including subway fares, eligible bus fares, and Access-A-Ride paratransit trips.
Cash Assistance
Cash assistance can help you pay rent, utilities, and other emergency expenses.
Cooling Assistance Benefit
This benefit helps you buy and install an air conditioner or fan for your home to stay cool during hot weather.
Covers doctor and clinic visits, regular exams, immunizations, and other health needs.
Essential Plan
Comprehensive health insurance benefits with $0 monthly premiums and low cost sharing.
Child Health Plus (CHP)
Your child is potentially eligible for Child Health Plus regardless of income or their immigration status.
Qualified Health Plans (QHP)
Qualified Health Plans are health insurance plans where you pay a certain amount each month
for coverage.
NYC Ferry Discount Program
For seniors 65 and older, people with disabilities, high school students, and Fair Fares NYC participants.
Silver Corps
Volunteering for at least 15 hours a week in a nonprofit orgovernment agency.
Big Apple Connect
Child Care Vouchers
Child care vouchers help pay for child care from licensed providers or informal providers like relatives, neighbors, or friends.
Infant and Toddler Programs
Early child care and education services for up to 10 hours a day.
Text 2 Work
NYC Mitchell-Lama
Rental and cooperative homeownership units for families with moderate and middle incomes.
HomeFirst Down Payment Assistance
Up to $100,000 toward the down payment or closing costs on a new home.
Homeless Intake Shelters & Drop-In Centers
Services and temporary shelter for adults and families with children.
NYC NY Connects
Free service to help older adults and people with disabilities remain independent at home and in their community.
Center For NYC Neighborhoods (CNYCN)
Get help avoiding foreclosure, dealing with late mortgage payments, preventing scams, and more.
Emergency Assistance / One Shot Deal
Cash help for people who can't pay an expense due to an unexpected situation or event.
Runaway And Homeless Youth Drop-In Centers
Homeless youth ages 14–24 can receive help and referrals for emergency shelter.
NYC Child Care Connect (NYC CCC)
An online resource that helps you find and stay informed about a child care program in your community.
Family Type Homes for Adults (FTHA)
Supportive housing for adults who cannot live alone due to old age, developmental disabilities, or physical or mental health.
NYS Paid Family Leave (PFL)
Up to 12 weeks of paid time off to care for a new child, sick family member, and other situations.
Family Homelessness and Eviction Prevention Supplement (FHEPS)
Pays part of or all of the rent to eligible families at risk of or being evicted, or living in an HRA shelter.
Learn more : Family Homelessness and Eviction Prevention Supplement
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
Flood insurance covers damage to your home and belongings.
Living for the Young Family Through Education (LYFE)
Student-parents can get free early childhood education for their children ages 6 weeks to 4 years.
NYC Financial Empowerment Centers
Get help to manage your money and improve your financial health.
Child Tax Credit (CTC)
When filing taxes for 2024, families can claim this tax credit worth up to $2,000 for each qualifying child under 17 years old.
A monthly discount up to $9.25 on phone or internet service for eligible households.
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance
MOIA Immigration Legal Support Centers
Get free, comprehensive legal screenings to find out if you qualify for any immigration benefit.
Older Adult Employment Program
Free program offering training and job placement help for older adults 55 and older.
NYC Care
Comprehensive health care for all NYC residents, regardless of ability to pay or immigration status.
We Speak NYC (WSNYC)
Free classes with materials for you to learn about City services and improve your English.
NYS Unemployment Insurance (UI)
Unemployment gives temporary income to workers who lose their jobs.
If you're at risk of homelessness, Homebase offers support to stay out of shelter and remain stably housed.
Community Food Connection (CFC)
Office of Child Support Services (OCSS)
Financial support for children and employment support for parents not living with their children.
Workforce1 Career Centers (WF1CC)
Public Housing
Train & Earn
Job training, employment services, and prep to help you pass your High School Equivalency (HSE) tests. Available for youth who are not working nor in school.
Veterans Affairs Supported Housing (HUD-VASH)
Help for homeless veterans and their families to find and stay in permanent housing.
Section 8 / Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV)
Section 8 pays part of the rent for low- and moderate-income families who want to rent in the private market.
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Tax credit worth up to $11,000 for qualifying families, noncustodial parents, and individuals who work full time or part time or are self-employed.
Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
Get money back if you paid for childcare or adult dependent care while working or looking for work.
NYC Free Tax Prep
You might qualify for free tax filing help with NYC Free Tax Prep.
Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE)
A rent freeze program to help seniors 62 and older stay in their home.
Disability Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE)
A rent freeze program to help eligible New Yorkers stay in their home.
Home Care Services Program (HCSP)
Seniors and people with disabilities can receive health care in their home.
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Free healthy food, counseling about healthy eating, breastfeeding support, and referrals for women, infants, and children under five.
Learn more : Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children
Senior Citizen Homeowners' Exemption (SCHE)
Lowered property taxes for senior homeowners who earn up to a certain income.
Disabled Homeowners' Exemption (DHE)
Lowered property tax for homeowners with disabilities who earn up to a certain income.
Veterans' Property Tax Exemption
Lower property taxes for qualifying veterans who served in certain conflicts.
School Tax Relief Program (STAR)
Homeowners can get a partial exemption from school property taxes.
HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA)
HASA helps people living with HIV or AIDS get health care and other public benefits.
NYC Nurse-Family Partnership (NYC NFP)
First-time parents can get their own personal nurse at no cost.
Head Start
Head Start programs are free and run year-round for at least eight hours a day.
NYCHA Resident Economic Empowerment and Sustainability (REES)
Job, finance, and business training programs for public housing residents.
Learn more : NYCHA Resident Economic Empowerment and Sustainability
NYC Family Justice Centers (FJCs)
Counseling and services are available in all boroughs for survivors of dating, domestic, and gender-based violence.
Learn & Earn
Year-round program with college and job prep for high schoolers at risk of dropping out.
Family Planning Benefit Program (FPBP)
Free and confidential family planning services for teens, women, and men.
Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
Food packages for low-income adults age 60 and older.
Access-A-Ride Paratransit Service (AAR)
Paratransit service for travel within NYC and nearby parts of Nassau and Westchester counties.
Adult Protective Services (APS)
Refer someone to APS if you suspect they are in danger of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
Comprehensive After School System of NYC (COMPASS NYC)
COMPASS NYC has hundreds of programs for young people in kindergarten through 12th grade.
Summer Meals
Get free breakfast or lunch at schools, community pool centers, parks, and food trucks near you during the summer.
School-Age and Early Childhood Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Centers
Information and resources for young people with disabilities (age 0-21), their families, and their caregivers.
Learn more : School-Age and Early Childhood Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Centers
IDNYC can often be used as an official ID for all New Yorkers age 10 and over.
NYC 988
Free and private talk, text, or chat mental health services available at any time for you or someone you care about.